I'm back and with exciting news! These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least! I started this trip's blog with the idea that I'd be posting more than ever before & it turned out to be the opposite! And that's partly because... I'm engaged!! Matt popped the question on September 24th. I was surprised & so happy. Since then all of my planning attention has shifted to our wedding rather than our upcoming Disney vacation... that is 5 days and a wake up away!!! Yeah, the trip is that close! It didn't hit me until yesterday.
What day is it?
And the award for worst blogger of the year goes to... Lisa Foster. I can't believe how infrequent I've become with my posts. Three weeks... it's been three weeks since my last post! What can I say? What have I been up to all this time? I've been surviving. You're reading the blog of a survivor! Didn't realize you were so lucky, huh? I survived the great earthquake of 2011. I also survived Hurricane Irene. After surviving an earthquake & hurricane in the same week, I followed it up with surviving back to school madness, which you'd think isn't a big deal since I work at a preschool... not so much.
Watch for squirrels.

Wow. Has it really been two weeks?! Where has the time gone? I have been busy to say the least. If it wasn't for the daily text message reminders that I've been delinquent in my blog updates I think it would of been even longer. I'm not going to name names or anything, but you know who you are! Payback ahead in the most subtle form. I'm sure you're wondering what I've been up to that I was too busy to ramble about my upcoming vacation. Let's say it together, "MATT".
Anyone got a banana?
Morning world. I'm back again to share completely useless information with you all. Aren't you excited?! I know I am. We are 63 days from our trip and I couldn't be any more excited. I think that it will go really quick since I have so much going on from now to then. I'm excited. My last trip to Disney was in Dec so it will be 9 months since I had gone last. It's like I'm having a Disney World baby! Ok, that sounded a lot better in my head then on paper. Anyway.
Let the blogging begin...
It's almost the best time of the year!! October! Do you know why October is the best time of the year? Wait for it... NY Mets post season!!! So exciting! They're gonna go all the way this year. Can't wait!! Oh, wait. What year is this? Nope, that's definitely not it. October is my Birthday, which if I was 7 that would make it the best time of the year. However, being that I'm 25, we all know my birthday is not an exciting event. So what's left you ask. Well, if you are reading this and still don't have any idea, than you must not know me well at all... and you're pretty "special", as it's written right there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
I'm going to Disney World in October!!! And with my favorite people... red sox fans!! Nope, wrong again.
Day 8 & 9: Friday 5/6 & Saturday 5/7
My final day aboard the ship started much later than I planned. I slept the latest today than I had the whole trip. I woke up at about 8am and then dozed on and off until about 9:30am. Luckily my parents had already made it up to the pool by the time I had gotten there and saved our seats. I dropped off my stuff at the pool and went to get my usual two yogurts and a bowl a fruit. I tell you what... I’ve had about all I can take of yogurt. I feel like I’m on a baby food diet. Just call me the Gerber Baby. Ugh. So I picked out my yogurt, I was adventurous today... banana/strawberry, and headed back to the pool to eat my breakfast with my parents.
Day 7: Thursday 5/5
I woke up today feeling pretty good. We were arriving at Cozumel, Mexico today so I knew I had zero reason to rush to get a seat by the pool. Cozumel is the biggest shopping port in the Caribbean. So between the tours, waters sports & shopping I knew the ship would be empty. I headed over to see what my parents had planned for their day. They were dressed for the pool. When I walked in I could tell that my mom wasn’t a happy camper. So I walk in and ask her what’s wrong. My dad is sitting over on the bed holding in his laugh... but she’s not too happy. Uh, oh. She points her leg out at me & says, “Look at my legs!”. Her legs were as white as before we left. “Your father put so much sunscreen on my legs that I didn’t get any sun yesterday. Nothing. Guess he didn’t have to wake me up to get me out of the sun for worry of my legs burning either. Thanks Don.” My dad & I were hysterical. So we head up to the pool to get Sunshine some color on her legs before she combusts.
Day 6: Wednesday 5/4
Today I woke up pretty early. Around 6am I got myself out of bed. It was a sea day so I knew I’d have to get to the pool pretty early to get a nice spot. Not so much. The pool areas were empty. So I got our usual seats by the adult only pool. My parents went to breakfast and then met me at the pool. Today I felt really good. I finally felt myself.
Day 5: Tuesday 5/3
Today was a pretty good morning. I woke up at 7ish. We were arriving in Honduras today at 8am, so I had a relaxed morning in my room. I didn’t really know what I was gonna do today. My mom called at about 8:30am & said that they were gonna get off the ship. So I told them that I’d go with them. So I got dressed and then met them at their room to get off the ship.
Day 4: Monday 5/2
Today started at 6am. Last night we had to turn the clocks back an hour before bed. I didn’t sleep well, I’ve found that I feel the worst during the night, but I woke up feeling pretty good. Today we were arriving at Costa Maya, Mexico at 8am. My plan was to relax by the pool. So I got dressed and headed to my parent’s room. Of course, my mom was not ready...at all. So I headed up to the adult only pool with my dad so he could see where I got a seat & then go back for my mom. That really wasn’t necessary since there were only five other people at the pool at that time. So I got some seats and my dad headed back for my mom.
Day 3: Sunday, 5/1
I started my day at 7am today. The plan was to get up, get ready & head to the pool to get the perfect lounge chair to spend my entire day in. Today was a sea day so that meant pretty much the entire ship had the same idea as me. Things get crazy on sea days when it comes to finding a lounge chair near the pool. People get up at 6am, go out & put their stuff on a bunch of chairs, then go back to bed & most of them never even end up using the stinking chair. It’s so annoying. So my alarm goes off & thanks to the Nyquill I slept the entire night without ever waking up. This is the part where I’d like to tell you that all I needed was a good night sleep & I felt much better. Not so much. I woke up in serious pain. It was now not only a soar throat, but my neck hurt to move it & was very stiff all the way down to my shoulders, it now also hurt in the back of my head/neck whenever I swallowed. My ears hurt, it hurt to blink. Swallowing water felt as though I was swallowing glass. This was bad.
Day 2: Saturday 4/30
Today started pretty early for me. I can’t be sure what time was my official wake up but I’m gonna go with 3:30am. I didn’t sleep at all. During the night my throat had gotten pretty uncomfortable. The hotel room was really hot as well, so that didn’t help. I laid in bed from 3:30am to about 6am & then just figured I might as well type my blog instead of just lay there. So I pulled out my laptop & started typing away. The things I do for my readers. Aren’t I great? Blogging at 6am. After I finished up my blog, I worked on my photo site to be sure it was ready for this trip’s pictures and then ordered my book for this cruise, Water for Elephants, on my Kindle. My parents got up and we had a pretty leisurely morning.
Day 1: Friday 4/29
Well the trip is finally here. Today started at a refreshing 5am. I don’t exactly know what my mom was thinking when she booked this flight. We were waking up before God just to fly to Miami and hang out at the hotel for the day. There was no rush. But yet here I was at 5am starting my long day. I woke up pretty easily which was a welcomed change and things were going pretty smooth. I was feeling good until about 5:30am and then things got a little crazy.
It's that time again...
Hello blog world. I'm back again for a new adventure to share with the world... well maybe not the world but you get the idea. I've been slacking a bit with my blog. If you've been reading it, you'll know that Dyanna & I only blogged half of our trip and then thru in the white towel. It's kinda hard to blog the rest of the trip from home when the tag team bloggers live 489 miles apart- that's exact...gotta love google maps. In short... We had a wonderful rest of the trip. We were going at full speed and just way too tired to keep up with the blog. We laughed, we ate, we laughed, we ate & ate some more. We also froze, but had an awesome time regardless. Now that I did a pretty pathetic job at finishing my last blog... I'll fill you in on my next trip. You must be dying to read about it since you've just witnessed some of my incredible blogging abilities. I digress.
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